St John's Lutheran Church

500 West Third St
Northfield, MN 55057

Builder: Hall Organ Co

Notes: The St. Olaf Choir started as the St. John's church choir, with F. Melius Christiansen as conductor and organist. He joined the St. Olaf faculty in 1903. The Hall Organ Company was active from 1898 - 1940's, so it is possible the organ pictured at St. John's here in the 1920's is the Hall organ, and FMC was likely the organist. There were at least three other Hall organs in Northfield.
-- This photo looks like it was a tracker organ. By 1900 many builders had abandoned mechanical action and were building tubular pneumatic action which allowed for a detached console. The console in this picture is attached to the case, further indicating it is probably a tracker.  We have no further information about the Hall organ at St. John's.
-- Photos from "The St. Olaf Choir: A Narrative" by Joseph M. Shaw, 1997.