The Church of St. Michael

22120 Denmark Avenue
Farmington, MN 55024
Builder: Murray Burfeind
Originally M.P. Möller Artiste
Rebuilt/expanded by Mike Rider with pipes from Casavant Opus 2440 from Christ Lutheran 2020. We do not have the most current stoplist
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 10
Action: Electropneumatic
Enclosed portion of organ is a Moller Artiste. Exposed portion consists of used pipes and chests supplied by Murray Burfeind. Original console has new keyboards. Relay is a new Peterson diode matrix. There are two blowers -- one for the Artiste and one for the exposed pipes above and behind. Photos below from 2020 show gradual evolution. We do not have the current specification.
--Information from David Engen
Last Update: 2/2013
     RANKS ENCLOSED in Artiste:
16' Bourdon
  8' Viola
  4' Diapason
  8' Trompette 
     RANKS EXPOSED on wall behind:
16' Gedeckt
  4' Principal
  2' Flautino
III Mixture 
GREAT ORGAN (not all exposed):
8' Diapason
8' Bourdon
8' Viola
4' Octave
4' Bourdon
2' Super Octave
2' Flute
2' Principal
8' Trompette
4' Clarion
16' Bourdon
16' Lieblich Gedeckt
  8' Gedeckt
  8' Viola
  4' Choralbass
  4' Gedeckt
  8' Trompette
  4' Trompette
SWELL ORGAN (not all enclosed):
8' Gedeckt
8' Viola
4' Principal
4' Gedeckt
2 2/3' Nazard
2' Flautino 
1' Spitzfife
III Mixture
8' Trompette