First Lutheran Church

1100 East Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55802

Builder: Jaeckel Organs, Opus 52, 2010
Manuals: 3
Stops: 55
Action: Slider chests, mechanical action

Notes: The organ is in a gallery-level case at the rear of the room. Traditional style console with a keyboard cover that can be lifted to form a music rack. There is an attached keydesk en fenêtre.
--Information from Nils Halker and the OHS. Photo from the church.
Last Update: 7/2012
16 Principal
8 Principal
8 Viola
8 Harmonic Flute
8 Rohrflöte
4 Octave
2-2/3 Quint
2 Octave
8 Cornet V
2-2/3 Mixture II-III
1-1/3 Mixture IV-V
16 Trompete
8 Trompete
16 Bourdon
8 Principal
8 Gedackt
8 Quintadena
4 Octave
4 Rohrflöte
2-2/3 Nassat
2 Octave
2 Blockflöte
1-3/5 Terz
1-1/3 Larigot
1 Scharff IV
16 Dulzian
8 Krummhorn
8 Trechterregal
16 Contragambe
8 Diapason
8 Viole de gambe
8 Céleste
8 Flûte conique
4 Flûte traverse
4 Violine
2 Piccolo
2 Fourniture IV
16 Trompette
8 Trompette harmonique
8 Oboe
8 Voix humaine
4 Clairon harmonique
32 Untersatz (C10-B12)
16 Principal
16 Violonbass
16 Subbass
8 Principal
8 Gemshorn
4 Choralbass
2-2/3 Mixture IV
32 Contraposaune
16 Posaune
8 Trompete
4 Klarine
2 Kornett
Builder: Jaeckel Organs (Opus 1, 1980)
Manuals: 2
Stops: 9
Ranks: 10

Action: Mechanical
--Jaeckel Organs website.
Last Update: 8/2013
MANUAL I 56 keys
8 Rohrflöte
4 Prinzipal
2 Oktav
1-1/3 Zimbel II
8 Oboe

8 Rohrflöte (Manual 1)
4 Koppelflöte

PEDAL 30 keys
16 Subbass
8 Oboe (Manual I)