St John's Abbey Church

Collegeville, MN 55905

Builder: Holtkamp Organ Co, Opus 1742, 1961
Manuals: 3
Divisions: 4
Stops: 47

Ranks: 64
Pipes: 3296

Builder: Pasi Organ Co, Opus 27, 2019
Manuals: 2
Stops: 38
Ranks: 47

GRAND TOTAL: 111 ranks

Notes: Vatican II (1962-65) came after the 1961 Holtkamp was built. With the increased emphasis on congregational participation, the 64 rank organ, mildly voiced, did not fulfill the Abbey's needs. Given the notoriety of the original organ, there was a great desire to preserve it unchanged, yet be able to lead a full congregation. The solution, installed in 2019/2020 is Martin Pasi's addition of a second complete organ, interwoven physically with the Holtkamp in unused space behind and to the sides of the red grill. The large pipes of the Grand Pedal flank the red screen, with the Grand Great and Grand Swell mounted above the Holtkamp Great and Swell. The large wood pipes were made by the monks of the abbey in their woodshop.

GREAT ORGAN (Holtkamp)
16' Quintadena 61
8' Principal 61
8' Flute 61
8' Gedackt 61
4' Octave 61
4' Spitzflöte 61
2' Superoctave 61
1.1/3' Octave Quint 61
1.1/3' Mixture IV 244
    Scharf III 183
8' Trumpet 61
8' Cromorne 61 (Pasi)

SWELL ORGAN (Holtkamp)
8' Rohrflöte 61
8' Lieblickgedackt 61
8' Spitzgamba 61
8' Voix Céleste 56
4' Octave Geigen 61
4' Bourdon 61
2' Doublette 61
1' Piccolo 61
2.2/3' Sesquialtera III 183
    Plein Jeu IV 244
16' Basson 61
8' Fagott 73
4' Oboe Clarion 73
    Carillon 30 (Pasi)

8' Copula 61
4' Praestant 61
4' Rohrflöte 61
2-2/3' Nazard 61
2' Octave 61
2' Blockflöte 61
1-3/5' Tierce 61
    Fourniture III 183
8' Cromorne 61

16' Principal 61
8' Octave 61
8' Salicional 61
8' Flute Harmonique 61
4' Octave 61
3' Quint 61
2' Octave 61
8' Cornet V a2 200
1.1/3' Mixture VI 366
16' Bombarde 61
8' Trompette 61
4'-16' Trompeta 53
8' Trompeta 61

16' Bourdon 61
8' Principal 61
8' Flute Harmonique 61
8' Viola 61
8' Celeste EE 57
8' Bourdon 61
4' Octave 61
4' Flute Harmonique 61
2' Octavin 61
2' Mixture IV 244
16' Bassoon 61
8' Trompette 61
8' Hautbois 61
8' Voix Humaine 61
4' Clarion 61

PEDAL ORGAN (Holtkamp)
16' Principal 32
16' Subbass 39 (10-2/3' in Cornet)
16' Quintadena GT
10-2/3' Quintbass 44 (5-1/3' in Cornet)
8' Octave 32
8' Flauto Dolce 32
4' Choralbass 32
4' Nachthorn 32
2.2/3' Mixture IV 128
32' Cornet V 160 (10 pitches in total)
16' Posaune 32
8' Trumpet 32
4' Schalmei 32
 See schematic below, approximately the same view
Note: Cornet V at 6-2/5' is an independent 5-rank stop including 7ths and 9ths.  The stop tab normally brings in other unison and quint ranks which can be shut off via an unmarked toggle switch on top of the relay in the blower room.  In the rich reverberation of this room, the Cornet effect is extraordinary. (Note that this differs slightly from the Cornet documented in a Cleveland organ in the book by John Ferguson.)
Approx Pitch Low C pitch Derivation
C 16' 16' Principal
G 10-2/3' 16' Subbass
C 8' 8' Octave
E 6-2/5' Independent
G 5-1/3' 10.2/3' Quintbass
A# 4-4/7 Independent
C 4' 4' Choral Bass
D 3-5/9' Independent
F# 2-10/11' Independent
G# ~2-1/2' Independent
32' Contra Bass 12*
16' Open Bass 32
16' Violone 32*
8' Principal 32
8' Violone 12
4' Octave 32
32' Contra Trombone 12*
16' Trombone 32
8' Trompette 32

* octave transmissions
Manual assignments:
IV -- Swell (Holtkamp)
III -- Grand Swell (Pasi)
II -- Great (Holtkamp)
I - Grand Great (Pasi) and Positiv (Holtkamp)
New ranks made of wood in the Abbey workshop:
Bourdon 16' Grand Swell
Contra Bass 32'/16' Grand Pedal
Violone 16'/8' Grand Pedal
Trombone 32'/16' Grand Pedal