Curt Oliver Residence

Brooklyn Park, MN

Builder: Estey Organ Co (1930)
Opus: 2882
Model: Minuette
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 3
Action: Electropneumatic
Notes: The Minuette is a grand piano style instrument chock full of Haskell pipes. William Haskell was head voicer for Estey at this time. There were only about 30 Minuettes built. This Minuette was sold in 1930 to a priest at the St. Rose of Lima Rectory in Hooper, Nebraska.
--Information from Curt Oliver.
Last Update: 2/2009

8 Diapason
8 Gedeckt
8 Viola
4 Octave
4 Flute
4 String
16 Bass Viol
8 Open Diapason
8 Tibia Clausa
8 Violin
4 Octave
4 Flute d’Amour
4 Violina
2-2/3 Twelfth
2 Piccolo
1-3/5 Tierce
8 Saxophone (8 Flute, 8 String, 4 Flute,
2-2/3 Flute, 2 Flute)
8 Clarinet (8 Flute, 8 String, 4 Flute,
2-2/3 Flute)
8 Oboe ( 8 String, 4 Flute, 2-2/3 Flute)
16 Violone
8 Flute
8 Cello