First (United) Methodist (Episcopal AME) Church (now Wesley UMC)

516 Second Avenue (address of current Wesley UMC)
Vinton, IA 52349

(There are two Methodist churches in Vinton, Wesley United Methodist and Stewart Memorial United Methodist. It appears Wesley is the original church where the two Estey organs were installed. See separate entry for another Estey of 1921.)
Builder: Estey Organ Co., Op. 2023, 1922.
Manuals: 3
Ranks: Unknown
Action: Unknown

Notes: Identified by James R. Stettner through information from the Estey Opus List, published in The Boston Organ Club newsletter, 1973-1979.

Organ Historical Society as of 2018.

From Thurlow Week, OHS: The Methodist Episcopal Church (now Wesley UMC) was built in 1921, with Estey #1900 installed in the fall of that year. Just a few months later on 29 Feb 1922 the church was completely destroyed by fire, including the new organ. Within days a new contract had been signed with Estey for a replacement (presumably carbon copy). In just five months (!!!!) a new church had been built and the new pipe organ installed by September.
First organ, destroyed by fire:
Second organ, installed five months later:

A Note under the first organ regarding a dedicatory recital in October 1922 has been moved over to the second organ, and deleted from the first.

Many thanks to the Cedar Rapids Gazette for publishing articles about this in 1922, and for in having them digitized!