Salem Lutheran Church (LCMC)

102 South Main Street
Roland, IA 50236

(See separate entry for an earlier Möller organ at this location.)
Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 1492, 1965.
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 14
Action: Electro-pneumatic

Notes: Salem Lutheran Church was founded in 1868. A church was built one mile west of Roland in 1874. That building was later moved to town in 1890 and served the congregation until 1914 when the present brick church was built.

Various enlargements and renovations have occured over the years to bring the church building to its present state. The parsonage was built in 1927.

Salem Lutheran Church became a member of the Hauge Synod in 1870, and in 1917 became a member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America (later called the Evangelical Lutheran Church). In 1960 Salem became a member of the American Lutheran Church. In 1988 Salem became a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and in 2010 Salem became a member of the LCMC, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.

Chris Leaver (Reuter) and Organ Historical Society as of 2005.