Saint Mary's Roman Catholic Church

Eleventh Street & Avenue E
Fort Madison, IA 52627

(This instrument received an Organ Historical Society Citation #53.)
Builder: J.G. Pfeffer, 1878.
Restored by Phil Hoenig Organs in 2000.
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 34
Pipes: 1644
Stops: 29
Action: Mechanical/slider chests

Notes: Original wind source was restored to full functionality so that it can be manually powered. All mechanical linkages and leather connections where restored to full working order. Exterior and pipes were repaired and restored to their original appearance and integrity. The organ has 1644 pipes, 34 ranks, and 29 stops. Restoration was performed by Phil Hoenig of Fort Madison. Completed fall of 2000.
St. Mary of the Assumption had merged with St. Joseph in the 1990's. In 2008, St. Mary & Joseph merged with Sacred Heart to form Holy Family.

Organ Historical Society as of 2012.