First Congregational Church (now United Church of Christ)

9204 University Avenue (Felgemaker was probably at a different address in 1899.)
Cedar Falls, IA 5

(See other entries for this Felgemaker Op. 726 instrument at First Baptist, Jefferson, IA and additional information below.)
Builder: Felgemaker Organ Co., A.B., Op. 726, 1899.
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 22
Stops: 19
Action: Mechanical/slider chests

Notes: Built in 1899 for First Congregational Church, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Moved at unknown time to First Baptist Church in Jefferson, Iowa. Moved subsequently (by Quimby Organ Co. in 1988) to First Lutheran Church, Muskogee, Oklahoma, where it was installed in a new case. Organ Historical Society as of 2017-18.