Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 2171, 1994. Manuals: 2 Ranks: 21 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Information from Loren Omoth. The name of the church was changed to Mayville Lutheran Church (original Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran). The original Hinners Organ, also listed in Mayville in this database, is (I suspect) the original organ for this church. I was told that it was a 7 to 9-rank mechanical action instrument. This organ was enlarged and converted to electropneumatic action in the 1950's when the church built their current building. I believe this expansion was done be Gottlieb(?) Nelson. I don't know if any of the Hinners/Nelson material was incorporated in the Reuter organ of 1994. Additional information from the Organ Historical Society. Last update: 7/2012. No further information about this organ or its condition. If you have information, we’d appreciate hearing from you. MAYVILLE, ND: Mayville [Norwegian Evangelical] Lutheran, Op. 2171, 1994 (EP, Compass: 61/32) GREAT ORGAN 8' Principal 61 8' Bourdon 61 4' Octave 61 4' Spillflute 61 2' Flachflute 61 Mixture IV 244 8' Trompette (Sw) Chimes (prepared) Tremulant 16'/Uni Off/4' (Gt/Gt) 16'/Uni Off/4' (Sw/Gt) SWELL ORGAN *8' Geigen Diapason 61 *8' Gedeckt 61 8' Gamba 61 *8' Gamba Celeste (TC) 49 4' Principal 61 *4' Harmonic Flute 61 *2.2/3' Quinte *2' Principal 61 8' Trompette 61 *8' Oboe 61 Tremulant 16'/Uni Off/4' (Sw/Sw) PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant (derived) *16' Subbass 56 8' Octave 44 8' Bourdon (ext) 4' Octave (ext) 4' Bourdon (ext) 16' Trompette 12 8' Trompette (Sw) 8'/4' (Gt/Ped) 8'/4' (Sw/Ped) MIDI (8 stop tabs) * = used existing pipes from the original Hinners pipe organ ACCESSORIES Balanced Swell Pedal Balanced Cresc Pedal Gt/Ped reversible Indicators: Cresc Ped "on" / Blower "on" |