Builder: Wangerin Organ Co., 1927; Wicks Organ Co., 1997 Manuals: 2 Ranks: 8 Action: Electropneumatic Notes: The organ was originally built by Wangerin in 1927. It was moved into the present sanctuary in 1974 and releathered. The instrument was renovated by Wicks Organ Co. in 1997. The 4' Octave from Wicks is direct-electric. The Walker Digital voices were added by Wicks in 1997. . GREAT ORGAN 16' Bourdon (1) 8' Open Diapason (2) 8' Melodia (3) 8' Flute Celeste II (digital) 4' Octave (Wicks) 4' Flute D'Amour (1) 2' Fifteenth (5) 1-1/3 Mixture III (digital) 16' Bombarde (digital) 8' Trumpet (digital) Chimes (digital) Sw to Gt 16, 8, 4 SWELL ORGAN 8' Stopped Diapason (1) 8' Salicional(4) 8' Vox Celeste (6) 4' Principal (5) 4' Flute Traverso (3) 2-2/3 Nasat (1) 2' Flautino (1) 8' Clarinet (7) 8' Oboe Tremulant (Oboe and Trumpet) Sw to Sw 4 PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant (1) 16' Open Diapason (digital) 16' Bourdon (1) 16' Gedeckt Pommer (digital) 8' Open Diapason (2) 8' Flauto Dolce (1) 4' Choral Bass (2) 16' Bombarde (digital) 8' Trumpet (digital) 4' Schalmey (digital) Gt to Ped Sw to Ped 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 = Wangerin ranks from 1927 |
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