University of Wisconsin River Falls
Kleinpell Fine Arts, Abbott Concert Hall

410 South Third Street
River Falls, WI 54022

Builder: Hendrickson Organ Co., Opus 29, 1975
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 22
Action: Direct electric

Notes: Great is centrally located and cantilevered. Swell on the left behind pedal 8' basses. Pedal primarily on top of the swell, with bottom octave of Subbass (plywood) behind the great along with basses of the great principal. Great and Swell are wired in a grid with switched grounds on each stop, very much like a slider chest in concept. Blower is behind the wall, above the ceiling of a utility room. Voicing by Robert Sperling.

HAUPTWERK 11 ranks
8' Principal 58
8' Rohrflote 58
4' Octave 58
2' Waldflöte 58
2.2/3' Sesquialtera II 116
1.1/3' Mixture IV 232
8' Trumpet 58

8' Gedackt 58
4' Spillflöte 58
2' Principal 58
1-1/3' Quint 58
2/3'  Zimbel III 174
16' Krummhorn 58
8' Krummhorn (prepared)

16' Subbass 32
8' Spitzprestant 32
8' Bourdon 12
4' Octave 12
4' Flute 12
2' Mixture III (from Spitzprestant)
16' Fagott 32
8' Oboe 12
4' Schalmey 12