Builder: Robert Noehren, 1966 Manuals: 4 Ranks: 74 Action: Electropneumatic/direct electric Notes: This instrument is in the gallery at the rear of the room. The gallery console controls only the Noehren organ. The organ can be played from the sanctuary console of the Nichols & Simpson organ, 2005. Repairs, renovation and cleaning in 2018. First organ picture by Len Levasseur. GREAT ORGAN 16' Principal 16' Quintadena 8' Principal 8' Rohrflöte 4' Octave 4' Spitzflöte 2' Octave 2' Waldflöte VI Mixture V Scharf IV Cornet 16' Bombarde 8' Trompette 4' Clairon 8' Chamade SWELL ORGAN 16' Bourdon 8' Bourdon 8' Gamba 8' Voix Celeste 2' Octavin VI Plein Jeu 16' Basson 8' Trompette 8' Hautbois 8' Voix Humaine 4' Clairon Tremulant POSITIV 8' Bourdon 4' Principal 4' Rohrflöte 2' Octave VI Scharf II Sesquialtera 8' Cromhorn CHOIR ORGAN 16' Bourdon 8' Bourdon 8' Gemshorn 8' Unda Maris 8' Flute Harmonique 4' Flute 2-2/3' Nasard 2' Piccolo 1-3/5' Tierce 1-1/3' Larigot 1' Flageolet Tremulant BOMBARDE ORGAN 8' Boudon 8' Flute Harmonique 4' Principal 2' Octave VI Plein Jeu 8' Trompette 4' Clairon 8' Chamade PEDAL ORGAN 16' Principal 16' Subbass 16' Bourdon 8' Octavebass 8' Gedecktbass 4' Octave 2' Octave VI Mixture VI Harmonica 32' Contre-Bombarde 16' Bombarde I 16' Bombarde II 16' Basson 8' Trompette 4' Clairon 8' Chamade |