Our Savior's Lutheran Church

612 Division Street
La Crosse, WI 54601

Builder: Hendrickson Organ Co., Opus 31, 1975
Revision of Austin Organs, Inc., Opus 2244/2244-R, 1959, 1971
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 49
Action: Austin Universal Air Chest (gallery); Electromechanical (ruckpositive division)

Notes: In 1975, Hendrickson installed a new 10 rank Ruckpositiv division on the balcony railing. The action of the division is electromechanical and wired into the Austin organ console and may be played from the Great, Choir and Pedal divisions. The reeds in the Austin gallery organ were cleaned and re-regulated, and the majority of the ranks in the Swell and Choir divisions revoiced. Like many organs in front of a large window, the tuning suffered greatly in winter. Hendrickson also added a case for the Great in the center to protect it from cold drafts and to blend and focus the sound into the long church. The late Byron Blackmore was organist here for many years.
See this entry for the Austin.

8' Gedackt
4' Prestant
4' Gedackt
2-2/3' Nazard
2' Gemshorn
1-3/5' Terz
1' Sifflöte
1' Scharff IV
8' Dulzian