Grace Lutheran Church

202 West Grand Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54703

Builder: Schlicker Organ Co., ca. 1972
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 57
Action: Electropneumatic

Notes: Once home to a huge youth and adult choir program under Jerry and Avis Evenrud, in 2013 the congregation split over theology. A huge organ was engineered to allow for a big choir on raked seating in the center of the balcony. The Positiv is central on the rail, hanging from the ceiling. On the left is the Great, with Pedal treble chest behind. At the back is the Swell. The large pedal ranks are mitered between the Swell box and the side wall. Grills in the floor allow some of the organ sound to penetrate the large tone shadow of the deep balcony. Matters relay replacing the original and new keyboards/nameboard were installed by Bob Dommer. Grandall and Engen replaced the 16' Quintadena with a 16' Bourdon. Great chorus was modestly revoiced to prevent pipes from overblowing. Mixture pipes damaged from years of cone tuning received tuning slides. Photos from Facebook and David Engen.

16' Bourdon
8' Principal
8' Gemshorn
8' Bourdon (ext)
4' Octave
4' Spitzfloete
2' Octave
1-1/3' Quint (dolcan)
1.1/3' Mixture VI
8' Trumpet

8' Rohrflute
8' Salicional
8' Celeste
8' Dolce
4' Principal
4' Koppelfloete
2' Octave (?)
2' Mixture V
16' Fagott
8' Schalmey
4' Clarion

8' Gedeckt
4' Principal
4' Rohrfloete
2-2/3' Nazard
2' Principal
2' Nachthorn
1-3/5' Tierce
1' Siffloete
1' Scharf V
8' Krummhorn

16' Principal
16' Subbass
16' Bourdon (Gt)
8' Principal
8' Gemshorn (Gt)
8' Bourdon (Gt)
4' Choralbass
4' Bourdon (Gt)
II Rauschquint
III Mixture
16' Posaune
16' Fagott
8' Trumpet
4' Schalmey