The Church of Notre Dame

117 Allen St
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

Builder: Moller, Opus 10944, 1973
Transplanted and rebuilt by Levsen Orgen Company with addition of 11 ranks, 2024
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 31
Action: Electropneumatic

See other entry showing history of the organ and attached pictures).  This organ was built in 1973 by M. P. Moller for First United Methodist in Monmouth, IL. (see below)

GREAT (3")
8' Principal 61
8' Bourdon 61
4' Octave 61
4' Koppelflöte 61
2' Fifteenth 61
2' Hohlflöte 61
    Fourniture III 183
    Scharf II 122
8' Trompette en chamade 56 (6")
    Chimes 21
4' Great
16' Swell
8' Swell
4' Swell

SWELL (3")
16' Gedeckt 61
8' Rohrflöte 61
8' Salicional 61
8' Voix Celeste TC 49
4' Geigen Octave 61
4' Flachflöte 61
2' Principal 61
1.1/3' Larigot 61
16' Fagotto 61
8' Trompette 61
4' Hautbois 29
16' Swell
8' Swell off
4' Swell

PEDAL (3")
32' Resultant
16' Bourdon 32
16' Gedeckt 32
8' Principal 32 (facade)
8' Waldflöte 12
4' Choral Bass 32
    Pedal mixture III 96
16' Fagotto 56
8' Trumpet 32
4' Hautbois
8' Great
8' Swell
4' Swell

Original Moller Specificaion 1973
8' Principal 61
8' Bourdon 61
4' Octave 61
2' Hohlflöte 61
1.1/3' Mixure III 183
4' Great

8' Rohrflöte 61
8' Gemshorn 61
4' Flachflöte 61
2' Prinzipal 61
1.1/3' Larigot 61
8' Trompette 61
16' Swell
4' Swell

16' Bourdon 32
8' Principal 32
4' Choralbass 32
16' Fagotto 56 (1-44 L/2)
4' Hautbois (ext)