St John's Lutheran LCMS

215 E Seminary St
Cadott, WI 54727
Builder: Schantz Organ Co, Opus 119, 1950
Paul G. Bunjes, consultant
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 10
Pipes: 607
Cost: $8000
Action: Electro-pneumatic
Notes: Highly unusual for 1950. Exposed Great on the Swell roof, with Pedal split on the sides of the Swell.

8' Gedackt 61
4' Prinzipal 61
2.2/3' Quinte 61
2' Octave 61
    Chimes (prepared)

POSITIV (expressive)
8' Rohrfloete 73
4' Gemshorn 73
2' Prinzipal 61
2.2/3' Sesquialtera II 80 (22-61)

16' Subbass 32
8' Spitzprinzipal 32
4' Choralbass 12