Builder: Schoenstein & Co., 2010. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 54 Divisions: 5 Pipes: 2317 Stops: 68 Action: Electro-pnematic Notes: See below right. GREAT ORGAN 16 Violone 61 8 Prinzipal 61 8 Violone 12 8 Flute Ouverte 61 8 Holzbordun 61 4 Octave 61 4 Spitzflöte 61 2-2/3 Twelfth 61 2 Fifteenth 61 1-3/5 Seventeenth tc 42 1-1/3 Fourniture IV-VI 318 8 Festival Trumpet 61 4 Festival Trumpet 12 Chimes Antiphonal on Great SWELL ORGAN 16 Contra Viola 12 8 Rohrflöte 68 8 Viola Pomposa 68 8 Viola Celeste 68 4 Prestant 68 4 Flute Harmonique 68 2 Octavin 61 1 Plein Jeu IV 244 16 Contra Hautbois 68 8 Trompette 68 8 Hautbois 12 4 Clairon 68 Tremulant Sub/Unison Off/Super Ant on Swell CHOIR ORGAN 8 Spitzviol 68 8 Koppelgedackt 68 8 Dolcan 68 8 Dolcan Celeste 56 (TC) 4 Fugara 68 4 Nachthorn 68 2-2/3 Rohrnasat 61 2 Blockflöte 61 1-1/5 Tierce 61 2 Klein Mixture III-IV 192 16 Krummhorn (TC) 8 Krummhorn 68 8 Flûte Ouverte (Gt) 8 Festival Trumpet (Gt) Tremulant Harp Celesta Zymbelstern Sub/Unison Off/Super Ant on Choir POSITIV (prepared) 8 Nasonflöte (prepared) 4 Spillflöte (prepared) 2 Kleinprinzipal (prepared) 1-1/3 Larigot (prepared) 1 Sifflöte (prepared) III Zimbel (prepared) 4 Schalmei (prepared) Tremulant Zimbelstern ANTIPHONAL (floating) 16 Quintaton 61 8 Diapason 61 8 Lieblich Gedeckt 61 8 Erzähler 49 4 Octave 61 Zimbelstern PEDAL ORGAN 32 Untersatz (digital) 16 Kontra Bass 32 16 Bourdon 32 16 Quintaten (Ant) 16 Contra Viola (Sw) 16 Gedacktbass 12 (Ch) 8 Octave 32 8 Bourdon 12 8 Violone (Gt) 8 Gedacktbass (Ch) 4 Choralbass 12 4 Flûte Ouverte (Gt) 2 Flûte Ouverte (Gt) 32 Bombarde (digital) 16 Bombarde 32 16 Contra Hautbois (Sw) 8 Trompette 12 8 Krummhorn (Ch) 4 Clairon 12 4 Krummhorn (Ch) Ant on Pedal NOTE: Antiphonal does not couple with divisions on which it is drawn. Festival Trumpets do not couple. Flûte Ouverte on Choir does not couple. Percussions do not couple. Chimes couple down on octave on the Pedal. |
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Notes from the church website: Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1342 was designed by Joseph M. Whiteford in consultation with Dr. Merle Pflueger, Professor of Organ at Augustana College and Organist at First Lutheran Church from 1953 to 1986. The organ was installed in the fall of 1959 and dedicated on November 21, 1959, with a recital by Virgil Fox. The contract price was $52,000. For financial reasons, the organ was not completed as designed. The original stop list called for a sparkling Positiv division, and several ranks in the Pedal division. In 1964, the Festival Trumpet was added by Aeolian-Skinner as a memorial to the late wife of Pastor Robert Borgwardt. No significant work was done between then and 1989, when Organist Marcia Kittelson retained Schoenstein & Co. to perform remedial maintenance and tonal finishing work, which was completed in 1990. In 1994, Schoenstein did additional tonal regulation and added a Bombarde to the Pedal at 16', 8' and 4', and at 32' (digital). The organ at that time was 39 ranks and 2,446 pipes. Beginning in 2008, First Lutheran retained Dr. John Ferguson as a consultant and proceeded to develop plans with Jack Bethards at Schoenstein to do significant work to the organ. The objectives were to: Rewire the console and convert it to solid-state action Replace all of the leather in the chests and reservoirs that had not been recently repaired Replace the expression shades on the swell and choir boxes Add an antiphonal division in the chancel that would serve primarily to provide “the acoustical illusion of tone from the main organ in the rear balcony reaching forward to the chancel” Enhance the Great with more fundamental tone at 16' and 8' Add a complete chorus to the Choir to better complement the other choruses Schoenstein’s stated goal was to complete the tonal work in the Aeolian-Skinner aesthetic, without changing the fundamental character of the organ. The work started after Easter in 2011 and was completed late in November. Schoenstein added 12 ranks of pipes. In the Great, we added a 16' Violone, an 8' Flute Ouverte, and a 1 3/5' Seventeenth. In the Choir, we added a 4' Fugara and 2' Klein Mixture (III-IV). The new Antiphonal division consists of an 8' Diapason, an 8' Lieblich Gedeckt, an 8' Erzahler, a 4' Octave, and a 16' Quintaton, which had served as the foundation of the Great. Walker digital additions included a 32' Untersatz in the Pedal, Chimes in the Great, and Harp and Celesta in the Choir. Schoenstein added a new Zymbelstern to the gallery organ, and the original Zymbelstern was added to the Antiphonal. The completed organ is 54 ranks of 3,114 pipes on three manuals, with a floating Antiphonal and solidstate combination action with 100 levels of memory. Paul Jacobs played a re-dedication recital on December 4, 2011. |