Builder: Kney, Gabriel, 1987. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 56 Action: Mechanical key, electric stop action Notes: From University and Organ Historical Society as of 2009. At impost level are the Great and Pedal trebles. Pedal basses are in a free-standing case behind the main case, with notes 1-4 (wood) of the 16' Praestant, the 16' Subbass, the 16' Posaune and the 10.2/3' Quintbass. Oberwerk is at the top of the case, with Swell behind the grill above the keydesk. GREAT ORGAN 16 Gedeckt 8 Praestant 8 Rohrflöte 4 Oktav 4 Spitzflöte 2 Blockflöte 2 Mixtur IV 1/2 Zimbel II 8 Cornet V (mounted) 8 Spanische Trompette (horizontal) 4 Bajoncillo (horizontal) Zimbelstern SCHWELLWERK 8 Flute (stopped wood bass, open metal treble) 8 Gamba 8 Celeste 4 Principal 2 Flute Traverse 1.1/3 Plein jeu III 16 Basson 8 Trompette 8 Hautbois 4 Clarion Tremulant OBERWERK 8 Holzgedackt 4 Praestant 4 Rohrflöte 2.2/3 Nasat 2 Oktav 1.3/5 Terz 1.1/3 Quint 1 Scharff III 8 Krummhorn Tremulant PEDALEWERK 16 Praestant 16 Subbass 10-2/3 Quintbass 8 Principal 8 Gedecktbass 4 Choralbass 2.2/3 Mixtur IV 16 Posaune 8 Trompete 4 Zink |
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