Roseville Lutheran Church

1215 Roselawn Avenue W
Roseville, MN 55113

Builder: J. F. Nordlie, Opus 63, 2025
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 57
Pipes: 3217
Action: Electropneumatic

Notes: Specification from Nordlie website. Noted in website is that the organ is being transplanted from St. Peter's Episcopal in Mountain Brook, AL, but the OHS database and church website note it's from St. Luke's Episcopal. The St. Luke's organ is Holtkamp job 1762 from 1963 at 47 ranks, enlarged in 1994 by Milnar to 58 ranks . Another anomaly is that the Nordlie website notes 47 ranks while the Nordlie stoplist shows 57 ranks. The organ includes pipes from the Holtkamp, the Moller, and new.

Original installation in Alabama

GREAT 8 stops, 14 ranks
16' Principal 73 (new)
16' Bourdon (from Choir Copula)
8' Principal (Mountain Brook MB)
8' 2nd Principal (from 16')
8' Bourdon 61 (MB)
8' Flute Harmonique (Choir)
8' Gamba (Choir)
5.1/3' Grosse Nasard (Choir)
4' Octave 61 (MB)
4' Gedeckt (Choir)
3.1/5' Grosse Tierce (Choir)
2.2/3' Quinte 61 (new)
2' Octave 61 (MB)
1.3/5' Terz 61 (MB)
1.1/3' Mixture IV-V (MB + new)
2/3' Zimbel (Choir)
16' Contre Trompette (Choir)
8' Trompete 73
8' Trompette (Choir)
4' Trompette (Choir)
8' Fanfare Trumpet 90 (double trebles)
16' Great, 8' Great Off

SWELL 11 stops, 14 ranks
16' Bourdon 73 (RLC Moller)
8' Spire Flute 61 (RLC)
8' Chimney Flute (from 16')
8' Salicional 61 (RLC)
8' Voix Celeste tc 49 (RLC)
4' Geigen Principal 61 (RLC)
4' Flute 61 (MB)
2' Flute 61 (MB)
1.1/3' Quinte 61 (MB)
2' Plein Jeu III-IV 216 (new)
16' Basson 12 (ext Hautbois)
8' Trompette 73 (MB)
8' Hautbois 61 (MB)
4' Clairon (from Trompette)
16' Swell, 8' Swell Off, 4' Swell

CHOIR 18 stops, 21 ranks
16' Quintadena 73 (MB)
8' Principal 61 (RLC)
8' Flute Harmonique 49 (MB)
8' Copula 61 (MB)
8' Gamba 61 (MB)
8' Schwebung FF 56 (MB)
8' Flute Douce 61 (MB)
8' Flute Celeste tc 49 (MB)
8' Quintadena (from 16')
4' Prestant 61 (MB)
4' Rohrflöte 61 (MB)
2.2/3' Nasard 61 (MB)
2' Doublette 61 (MB)
2' Nachthorn 61 (MB)
1.3/5' Tierce 61 (MB)
1.1/3' Larigot (from Nasard)
1' Scharf IV 244 (some new)
16' Dulzian 61 (MB)
8' Cromorne 61 (MB)
16' Contre Trompette 85 (RLC)
8' Trompette (from 16')
4' Clairon (from 16')
    Tremulant (Choir and Great)
16' Choir, 8' Choir Off, 4' Choir
16', 8', 4' Fanfare Trumpet, non coupling

PEDAL 7 stops, 10 ranks
32' Untersatz 4 (1-8 resultant MB)
16' Principal 32 (MB)
16' 2nd Principal (Great)
16' Subbass 32 (MB)
16' Bourdon (Swell)
8' Octave 32 (MB)
8' Gedackt (Choir Copula)
4' Choralbass 32 (RLC)
4' Rohrflöte (Choir)
2.2/3' Mixture IV 128 (MB)
32' Akustisch Posaune
16' Posaune 44 (MB)
16' Contre Trompette (Choir)
16' Dulzian (Choir)
8' Posaune (from 16')
8' Trompete (from Great)
8' Fanfare Trumpet (from Great)
4' Schalmey 32 (MB)
4' Trompete (from Great)