Builder: Obermeyer Organ Co (2013) 2003: Olson-Lethert (2003) 1987: Schantz Organ Company, Opus 1880, + 8 ranks 1967: Schantz Organ Company, Opus 784, 31 ranks Manuals: 3 Ranks: 39 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Installed in 1967; added to by Schantz in 1987; added to by Olson-Lethert Organs Inc. in 2003; additions made and console height lowered by Obermeyer (Brian Sullivan) in 2013. (before and after shown. Note change in cable size coming into console.) --Information from Bob Nienaber GREAT ORGAN (unenclosed) 16' Violone (ext) 12 pipes from swell 8' Principal 68 8' Hohlflote 68 8' Gemshorn 68 4' Octave 68 4' Spitzflote 68 2-2/3' Twelfth 61 2' Fifteenth 61 Mixture IV 244 (Schantz 1987) 8' Cromhorne 61 (Schantz 1987) 8' Bombarde (CH) Tremulant Chimes SWELL ORGAN (enclosed) 16' Lieblich Gedackt 68 8' Geigen Principal 68 8' Rohrflote (ext) 24 8' Viola 68 8' Viola Celeste tc 56 8' Flute Conique 68 4' Principal (ext) 12 4' Flute Harmonique 68 2-2/3' Nazard (ext) 5 2' Flautino (ext) 12 Mixture 183 16' Fagot 73 8' Trompette 68 8' Oboe 68 8' Vox Humana 68 4' Hautbois 68 Tremulant CHOIR ORGAN (enclosed) 8' Gedackt 68 8' Principal 73 (Olson/Lethert 2003) 8' Erzahler 68 8' Erzahler Celeste tc 56 4' Koppeflote 68 4' Principal (ext) 12 2-2/3' Nasard 61 2' Schwiegel 61 1-3/5' Tierce 61 1-1/3' Larigot 49 (Olson/Lethert 2003) 8' Fagot (SW) 8' Bombarde 68 Tremulant |
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PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant 32' Lieblich Resultant 16' Contrabass 32 16' Subbass 32 16' Violone (SW) 16' Lieblich Gedackt (SW) 8' Principal (CH) 8' Flute (ext) 12 8' Rohrflote (SW) 8' Cello (SW) 4' Choral Bass 32 4' Flute (ext) 12 4' Rohrflute (SW) 2' Super Octave (ext) 12 16' Bombarde (ext) 12 16' Fagot (SW) 8' Trumpet (CH) 8' Fagot (SW) 4' Clarion (CH) |
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