Builder: Quimby Pipe Organs, 1986 Additions by Walker Technical, 2012 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 27 + 34 digital stops Action: Electropneumatic Notes: Addition of approximately 34 digital stops to the existing 27-rank Quimby pipe organ. The digital stops fill out each of the existing Great, Swell, and Pedal divisions, and the organ now has a complete digital Choir division as well. A new three manual console has been incorporated. The new console, built by the Colby company to WTC specifications. --Information from the Organ Historical Society Archive. Information from Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc. Information and photos from David Engen. Last Update: 8/2014 Digital stops in italics GREAT 16' Viol 8' Principal (zinc and spotted) 8' Viol 8' Rohrflöte (zinc and spotted) 4' Blockflöte 2.2/3' Nazard tc (spotted) 2' Fifteenth 2' Blockflöte (spotted 1.3/5' Tierce tc (spotted) 1.1/3' Mixture III-IV (spotted) 8' Trumpet (zinc and spotted) 8' Tuba Tremolo Chimes SWELL 16' Gedeckt 8' Gedeckt 8' Gemshorn 8' Gemshorn Celeste 4' Spitzprincipal 4' Hohlflöte 2' Octave 1.1/3' Quinte 1' Mixture III 16' Fagotto 16' Basson 8' Trumpet 8' Hautbois 8' Fagotto 8' Cromorne 4' Clarion Tremolo CHOIR 8' Flute Harmonique 8' Viola 8' Viola Celeste 8' Holzgedeckt 8' Dolce Flute 8' Dolce Celeste 4' Principal 4' Koppelflöte 2.2/3' Nazard 2' Octavin 1.3/5' Tierce 2' Mixture III 16' Corno di Bassetto 8' English Horn 8' Cromorne (Sw) 8' Tuba Tremolo Harp PEDAL 32' Bourdon 32' Principal 16' Gemshorn (Sw) 16' Subbass 16' Gedeckt (Sw) 8' Octave (zinc and spotted) 8' Bourdon 8' Gedeckt (Sw) 8' Gemshorn (Sw) 4' Super Octave (ext 8') 4' Gedeckt (Sw) 2' Blockflöte (Gt) 2.2/3 Mixture IV 32' Contra Posaune 16' Contra Trumpet 16' Fagotto (Sw) 8' Trumpet 8' Fagotto 4' Clarion 4' Cromorne (Sw) |
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