Builder: Marklove/Reuter/Rutz 2014: Grandall and Engen Manuals: 2 Ranks: 21 Action: Electric action slider chests Notes: Manual chests and pipes are from Marklove with electric pulldowns and electric slider motors. Pedal 16' Principal and Bourdon are from Reuter Opus 1049, removed from First Presbyterian in Rochester, MN. In 2014/15 Grandall and Engen repaired the pulldown mechanism, repaired damaged pipes, replaced missing pipes, repaired the swell mechanism, had the Trumpet refurbished by Chris Broome, replaced the Musette with a new Oboe, and added Haskell basses for the previously shared bottom octaves in the Swell. Significant restorative voicing fixed some huge irregularities. Information and photos from Facebook and David Engen. 2024: After a proposed merger with Lord of Life in Maple Grove, building repair costs disuaded the other church from the merger. Peace has closed. GREAT ORGAN 16' Bourdon (Ped) 8' Principal 61 (partly in facade) 8' Melodia 61 8' Dulciana 61 (partly in facade) 4' Octave 61 4' Rohrflute 61 2' Fifteenth 61 2.2/3' Sesquialtera II Mixture III-IV 8' Trumpet 61 SWELL ORGAN 8' Geigen Principal (new basses) 61 8' Keraulophone (new basses) 61 8' Stopped Diapason (wood) 61 4' Violina 61 2' Piccolo 61 8' Trumpet (Gt) 8' Oboe (replaced Rutz Musette) 61 Tremolo PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant -- 16' Principal 32 16' Bourdon 32 8' Octave 12 8' Gedeckt Flute 12 4' Choralbass 12 4' Octave Flute 12 2' Super Octave 12 16' Trombone 12 8' Trumpet (Gt) 4' Clarion (Gt) |