Builder: Dobson Organbuilders Opus 29, 1984 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 42 Stops: 33 Action: Mechanical GREAT ORGAN 16' Bourdon 56 8' Prestant 56 8' Rohrflöte 56 4' Octave 56 4' Spitzflöte 56 2.2/3' Nazard 56 2' Waldflöte 56 1.3/5 Terz 56 Mixtur IV 224 8' Trompete 56 Tremulant (Great and Pedal) SWELL ORGAN 8' Gedackt 56 8' Spitzfiol 56 8' Celeste tc 46 4' Koppelflöte 56 2' Principal 56 1.1/3' Gemsquite 56 Zimbel II 112 16' Sordun 56 8' Schalmei 56 Tremulant (Swell and Positiv) |
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POSITIV ORGAN 8' Holzgedackt 56 4' Prestant 56 4' Rohrflöte 56 2' Gemshorn 56 Scharf III 183 8' Krummhorn 56 PEDAL ORGAN 16' Subbass 32 8' Prestant 32 8' Gedackt 32 4' Octave 32 2' Auszug -- double draw from Mixgtur 2.2/3' Mixtur IV 128 16' Fagott 32 8' Trompete 32 4' Schalmei 32 |