Builder: Casavant (Opus 3083, 1971) Manuals: 3 Stops: 33 Ranks:44 Action: Electro-pneumatic Consultant: Paul Bunjes Notes: The entire organ is mounted on a floating balcony to the right of the stage in this multi-purpose room. There is no reverberation. In the photo, the console is centrally located. The Great is to the right, with Pedal in the middle in front of the console. The Chor is split in upper and lower chests on the left in front of the Swell. Pedal 16' Principal is horizontal. GREAT ORGAN 16' Pommer 61 8' Principal 61 8' Konisch Gedackt 61 4' Octave 61 2-2/3' Quinte 61 2' Octave 61 1-1/3' Mixture IV 244 8' Trompete (1-12 L/2) 61 Bells MIDI ON SWELL ORGAN 8' Holzgedackt 61 8' Salicional 61 8' Celeste 49 4' Harfen Principal 61 2' Blockflöte 61 1-1/3' Quintenona II (1-1/3' + 8/9') 1' Scharf III 183 8' Schalmey 61 Tremulant MIDI ON CHOR ORGAN 8' Rohrgedackt 61 4' Spitzflöte 61 4' Schwegel 61 2-2/3' Nasat 61 2' Principal 61 1-3/5' Terz 61 1/2' Rauschzimbel III 183 8' Krummhorn 61 Tremulant MIDI ON PEDAL ORGAN 16' Principal (ext) 12 16' Gedacktbass 32 8' Octave 32 8' Gemshorn 32 4' Choralbass 32 2-2/3' Mixture IV 128 2' Auszug II (middle 2 ranks of Mixture) 16' Bombarde (3/4 length) 32 4' Chalumeau 32 Bells MIDI ON |