Cathedral Church of St Mark, Episcopal

519 Oak Grove St
Minneapolis, MN

1871 - E. & G.G. Hook Opus 581
1928 - Welte Organ Co
1929 - Welte - Tripp Organ Co
1930 - Kimball Organ Co (Antiphonal)
1953 - Aeolian-Skinner Op 1278 (Sw Trumpet)
1961 - M.P. Möller Opus M-13082 (Console)
1965 - M.P. Möller Opus R-738
1976 - M.P. Möller Opus M-8399
1983 - Gould and Schultz
1996 - Schantz (Console)
2013 - Foley-Baker, Inc. (Major rebuild)
Manuals: 4
Stops: 87
Divisions: 7
Action: Electropneumatic

--Stoplist from the Cathedral. Additional information from David Engen and M.P. Möller Archive. Photos from Richard Rasch. Last Update: 2/2011

After so many changes by so many builders, when it became evident the organ needed to be releathered around 2000, every company contacted concluded the Cathedral needed to "start over" with new chests, layout and and wiring. Foley-Baker found a number of Welte ranks in the church tower that had been discarded by Moller. They were repaired and incorporated in the new organ. Main chests are Blackinton style electropneumatic slider chests, containing very little leather compared to the typical pitman chest. These chests hold the pipes more efficiently, allowing for more freedom of access. There was not enough money to incorporate the gallery console or anything more of the Antiphonal than the unit Principal and a pedal 16'. The Schantz console was adapted for the stoplist changes. A few years after the rebuild, Grandall & Engen, curators, cleaned the Positiv, regulated the pipes, and moved the blower down from the ceiling where it can be more easily oiled.

16' Double Open Diapason (49 new)
8' Open Diapason (1-12 new, 13-61 Welte 2nd Open)
8' Principal (new)
8' Gemshorn (1968 Moller, revoiced)
8' Rohrflute (1968 Moller, revoiced)
8' Harmonic Flute (1-19 cb Rohrflute 20-61 new)
4' Octave (new)
4' Spitzflute (Moller, revoiced)
2.2/3' Twelfth (new)
2' Fifteenth (new)
1.1/3' Fourniture IV (new)
2.2/3' Cornet III (new, full compass)
16' Double Trumpet (new)
8' Trumpet (new)
4' Clarion (new)
    Chimes (digital)
    Harp (digital)

SWELL ORGAN 7" WP, reeds 10" WP
16' Double Melodia (Welte, revoiced)
8' Open Diapason (Welte, revoiced)
8' Stopped Diapason (new, wood)
8' Gamba (new)
8' Gamba Celeste (new)
8' Dolce (Moller, revoiced)
8' Dolce Celeste (Moller, revoiced)
4' Octave (Welte, revoiced)
4' Harmonic Flute (new)
2' Principal (Moller, revoiced)
    Mixture IV-V (Moller, recompused, expanded)
8' Oboe (Welte, revoiced)
8' Vox Humana (Welte, revoiced)
16' Posaune (Welte, restored to 10" WP)
8' Trumpet (Welte 10" WP)
4' Clarion (Welte 10" WP)

8' Diapason (1-12 new, 13-61 Welte, relocated)
8' Gedeckt (Moller)
8' Viole (Moller, relocated from Swell)
8' Viole Celeste (Moller, relocated from swell)
4' Octave (Moller)
4' Koppelflote (Moller)
2.2/3' Nazard (Moller)
2' Blockflote (Moller)
1.3/5' Tierce (Moller)
1.1/3' Larigot (Moller)
1' Sifflote (Moller)
16' Petite Trompette (Trivo, revoiced)
8' Trompette (ext)
8' English Horn (ARS, revoiced)
    Harp (digital)

SOLO ORGAN 6.5" WP, Chorus reeds 12"
16' Contra Viole (new, ext of Moller Viole)
8' Clarabella (Welte, revoiced)
8' Viole da Gamba (Moller, revoiced)
8' Viole (Kimball)
8' Viole Celeste (Kimball)
4' Viole (ext of Moller Viole)
8' Corno d'Amour (Kimball, revoiced)
8' Clarinet (Skinner, revoiced)
8' Trompette Harmonique (Moller, 12" WP)
4' Clarion Harmonique (Moller, 12" WP)
8' Tuba (Welte, restored to 20" WP)

POSITIV (Floating)
8' Copula (Moller)
4' Flachflöte (Moller)
2' Principal (Moller)
IV Scharff (Moller)
8' Krummhorn (Moller)
(Cleaned and revoiced by Grandall & Engen)

32' Bourdon (digital)
32' Lieblich Gedeckt (digital)
16' Open Wood (Welte)
16' Principal (Welte Contrabass)
16' Bourdon (Welte)
16' Double Melodia (Sw)
16' Gamba (Welte)
8' Principal (ext)
8' Bourdon (ext)
8' Gamba (ext)
4' Choral Bass (Moller)
4' Bourdon (ext)
2' Principal (ext)
32' Contra Bombarde (Moller)
16' Bombarde (Moller 12" WP)
16' Double Trompette (CH)
16' Posaune (SW)
8' Bombarde (ext)
8' Trompette (ext)
4' Bombarde (ext)

16' Bourdon
8' Flute

8' Principal
4' Principal (ext)
2' Principal (ext)