Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church

58th & Cedar Avenue
Minneapolis, MN

The church is closed and the organ went back to Karl Eilers
Builder: Karl Eilers, 1997
includes Swell by Burger
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 11
Action: Direct electric

See also Reformation Lutheran

'*' denotes pipe ranks; all others are analog

16' Viola da Gamba (sw)
8' Diapason *
8' Principal *
8' Rohrflöte *
8' Gedeckt (sw)
8' Viola da Gamba (sw)
8' Gemshorn (sw)
8' Gemshorn Celeste (sw)
4' Octave *
4' Rohrflöte (ext)
2.2/3' Twelfth
2' Fifteenth
    Mixture IV
    Cymbale II
16' Trumpet (sw)
8' Trumpet (sw)
8' Oboe (sw)
4' Trumpet (sw)

16' Gedeckt *
8' Principal
8' Gedeckt (ext)
8' Viola da Gamba *
8' Viola Celeste
8' Gemshorn *
8' Gemshorn Celeste
4' Octave (ext)
4' Gedeckt (ext)
4' Gemshorn (ext)
2.2/3' Nazard
2' Piccolo
1.3/5' Tierce
    Mixture IV
16' Trumpet
16' Fagott
8' Trumpet *
8' Oboe *
4' Trumpet (ext)

32' Resultant
16' Double Open Diapason
16' Bourdon *
16' Gedeckt (sw)
16' Viola da Gamba (sw)
8' Principal (Diapason ext)
8' Gedeckt (sw)
8' Gemshorn (sw)
4' Octave (ext)
4' Gedeckt (sw)
    Mixture III
32' Bombarde (sw)
16' Trumpet (sw)
16' Fagott (sw)
8' Trumpet (sw)
4' Oboe (sw