Builder: Hendrickson Organ Co. (1986) Originally John Gale Marklove (1862, 1871) Ranks: 34 Action: Mechanical Notes: from Charles Hendrickson. The Cathedral of our Merciful Saviour in Faribault was Bishop Whipple's seat. An important building. We saved the Marklove pipes and included them in my instrument there. The Marklove tracker had been replaced with new electric chests, console etc., but, fortunately many of the original 1860s pipes were still there for us to use. Perhaps the oldest pipes in Minnesota, or nearly so. We added some replacement pipes in the Marklove style to replace those that were missing. --Charles Hendrickson Last Update: 2/2009 GREAT ORGAN 58 notes 8' Open Diapason original 8' Dulciana original 8' Melodia original 4' Principal original 4' Flute original 2-2/3' Twelfth 2' Fifteenth 1-1/3' Mixture IV 8' Clarionet TC original 8' Trumpet original SWELL ORGAN 58 notes 16' Bourdon original 1-30 8' Open Diapason original 13-48 8' Viol da Gamba original 13-40 8' Stopped Diapason original 4' Principal original 1-5 2' Flageolet 2-2/3' Cornet II 2' Mixture IV 16' Fagotto 8' Bassoon 4' Clairon Tremola PEDAL ORGAN 30 notes 16' Open Diapason original 1-25 16' Bourdon 10-2/3' Quint 8' Violoncello original 1-12 4' Principal 16' Trombone The specification in 2023 is somewhat different from the original as shown above. Here is how it stands as of August, 2023, taken from the console: GREAT 8' Open Diapason 8' Melodia (actually a stopped diapason) 8' Dulciana 4' Octave 4' Flute (open wood) 2.2/3' Twelfth 2' Fifteenth 1.3/5' Tierce 1.1/3' Mixture III 8' Trumpet 8' Clarionet (tc) SWELL 16' Bourdon 8' Open Diapason 8' Stop'd Diapason 8' Viol de Gamba 8' Viol Celeste 4' Principal 4' Full Flute (was 2') Rauschquint II (was cornet) TC 2' Mixture III-IV (marked IV0 16' Bassoon 8' Hautboy 4' Clarion Tremola (knob missing) Alarm (does nothing) PEDAL 16' Double Open Diapason 16' Bourdon 10 2/3' Quint 8' Violoncello (bell gamba) 4' Principal 16' Trombone |