Builder: Schantz Organ Co (2003) Originally: Schantz Organ Co (Opus 1574, 1979) Manuals: 3 Ranks: 35 Pipes: 1980 Action: Electropneumatic pitman --Information and photo from the church website, Chad Boorsma. From Jay Engquist: the 1952 organ (in chambers) was traded back to Schantz in 1979. The 2003 work was likely relay and/or combination action. Last Update: 8/2012 Second photo (B&W) from Schantz 150th anniversary, 7/2023. GREAT ORGAN 8 Principal 61 8 Rohrflöte 61 4 Octave 61 4 Spitzflöte 61 2 Super Octave 61 IV Fourniture 244 Chimes SWELL ORGAN 8 Bordun 61 8 Viole 61 8 Viole Celeste tc 49 4 Principal 61 4 Flute Harmonique 61 2 Waldflöte 61 IV Scharf 244 8 Trompette 73 4 Clairon -- Tremulant CHOIR ORGAN 8 Holzgedackt 61 8 Gemshorn 61 8 Gemshorn Celeste tc 49 4 Koppelflöte 61 2-2/3 Nasat 61 2 Prinzipal 61 1-3/5 Terz 61 8 Krummhorn 61 Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 32 Resultant -- 16 Principal 44 16 Subbass 56 16 Lieblich Gedeckt (Ch) 12 8 Octave 8 Flute 8 Gedackt (Ch) 4 Choralbass 32 4 Flute III Mixture 96 16 Posaune 44 8 Posaune 4 Krummhorn (Ch) |