Builder: Jan van Daalen (1974) Manuals: 2 Stops: 19 Ranks: 29 Notes: Slider chests, mechanical key action, Electric stop action. --Organ Historical Society Organ Database. Photo from the church website Last Update: 2021 GREAT ORGAN 8' Prestant 8' Rohrflute 4' Octave 4' Spillflute 2' Blockflute 2 2/3' - 1 3/5' Sesquialter II 2' Mixture V 8' Trummpette Swell to Great SWELL ORGAN 8' Gedeckt 4' Flachflute 2' Principal 1 1/3' Nasard 1/2' Scharff III 8' Krummhorn Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16' Bourdon 8' Spitzflute 4' Corall-Bass 2 2/3' Mixtur IV 16' Fagotto Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal General Cancel & Six General Pistons (Toe Studs only) Couplers are duplicated in Toe Studs |