Builder: Wicks, Opus 4099, 1960 Console by Grandall & Engen, 2023 Phase 1 Grandall & Engen, 2029 Phase 2 Manuals: 3 Stops: 44 Ranks: 51 Action: Wicks Direct Electric® Notes: Main organ in front, Positiv in rear gallery; Swell chamber on left, Choir on right. --Information from the Organ Historical Society Archive. Last Update: 3/2015 Pictures by David Engen Phase 1 2023: Console rebuilt by Grandall & Engen, which sets the stage for tonal modifications in the next phase. New relay, combination action, keyboards, stop knobs, rebuilt pedalboard. Phase 2 2029: Great and Positiv. The Great principal chorus with a new mixture will be on a new slider windchest on the left side, with flutes on the right in the chancel. The Positiv is expanded, also with chorus stops (and new mixture) located together. Adding a Krummhorn (wood) from the Westwood Lutheran Holtkamp rebuild by Dobson. GREAT ORGAN (exposed in chancel) 3.5" 16' Gemshorn 12 (in Choir) 8' Principal 61 left 8' Bourdon 61 right 8' Gemshorn 61 right 8' Harmonic Flute (CH) 4' Octave 61 left 4' Spire Flute 61 right 2 2/3' Twelfth 61 left 2' Fifteenth 61 left 1.1/3' IV Mixture 244 left (new) 2.2/3' III Cornet TC13-C39 right (made from old mixture) 8' Trumpet (SW) 8' Bombarde (CH) 4' Bombarde (CH) Swell to Great Choir to Great Positiv on Great SWELL ORGAN (left chamber) 16' Bourdon 61 8' Geigen Principal 61 8' Chimney Flute 61 8' Bourdon (ext) 8' Salicional 61 8' Voix Celeste 61 4' Geigen Octave 61 4' Flauto Traverso 61 4' Celestes II (ext) 2 2/3' Nazard 61 2' Geigen Fifteenth 12 2' III Plein Jeu 183 16' Double Trumpet 12 8' Trumpet 61 8' Rohrschalmei TC 4' Clarion (ext) Tremolo Positiv on Swell Swell unison off POSITIV ORGAN (church balcony) 2.5" 8' Principal (from 4', CB Gedeckt) 8' Gedeckt 61 left 4' Octave 61 right 4' Chimney Flute 61 left (new) 2' Octav 61 right 1 1/3' Larigot 61 left 1' Sifflöte 61 left 2.2/3' II Sesquialtera 122 left 2/3' III Sharf III 183 right (new) 8' Krummhorn 61 (right) vintage Holtkamp CHOIR ORGAN (right chamber) 16' Dolcan 12 8' Spitzprincipal 61 8' Harmonic Flute 61 8' Dolcan 61 8' Dolcan Celeste 49 4' Octave 61 4' Koppelflute 61 4' Celestes II 2 2/3' Nasard 61 2' Recorder 61 1 3/5' Tierce 61 8' Clarinet 61 Tremolo 8' Bombarde 61 4' Bombarde 12 Chimes 25 Choir unison off Swell to Choir Positiv on Choir PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant Forte 32' Resultant Piano 16' Principal 32 wood 16' Subbass 32 16' Gemshorn (GT) 16' Bourdon (SW) 16' Dolcan (CH) 8' Octave 32 8' Gemshorn (GT) 8' Bourdon (SW) 8' Gedeckt (POS) 4' Choral Bass 32 4' Night Horn (Pos) 2' Night Horn (POS) VII Harmonics (derived from Bourdon) 16' Bombard (CH) 16' Double Trumpet (SW) 8' Bombard (CH) 8' Trumpet (SW) 4' Bombard (CH) 4' Rohrschalmei (SW) Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Choir to Pedal Positiv to Pedal |
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