Builder: Austin Organ Co. (Opus 2233, 1956) Manuals: 3 Ranks: 46 Action: Universal Air Chest System Notes: The organ is in gallery-level chambers at the rear of the room. Traditional style console with roll top. The console is in a fixed position, center. --Organ Historical Society. Specification and photos from David Jensen. Last Update: 8/2008 Casework around exposed Great built by Charles Hendrickson in the late 1970's to protect the pipes from the cold draft from the window. A simlar structure was installed in 1970 at Our Savior's Lutheran in LaCrosse, also an Austin organ with exposed pipes next to a large window. Reservoirs were re-leathered by Barry Lund shortly thereafter when a spring had flown off the high-pressure Choir reservoir an nearly went through the window. GREAT ORGAN 16 Violone 61 8 Diapason 61 8 Harmonic Flute 61 8 Gemshorn 61 4 Octave 61 4 Quintadena 61 2-2/3 Octave Quint 61 2 Super Octave 61 V Fourniture 305 (subsequently split into III Fourniture and II Sesquialtera) 8' Festival Trumpet (added by Roland Rutz) Chimes SWELL ORGAN (right chamber) 8 Geigen Principal 68 8 Rohrflöte 68 8 Viole de Gambe 68 8 Voix Celeste 68 4 Principal 68 4 Rohrflöte (Waldflöte) 68 2 Octavin 61 IV Plein Jeu 244 16 Contra Fagotto 68 8 Trompette 68 4 Clarion 68 8 English Horn 68 Tremulant CHOIR ORGAN (left chamber) 8 Spitz Principal 68 8 Gedackt 68 8 Dolce 68 8 Dolce Celeste 68 4 Prestant 68 4 Koppelflöte 68 2-2/3 Nasard 61 2 Blockflöte 61 1-3/5 Tierce 61 III Cymbel 183 8 Krummhorn 68 8 Bombarde (ped) 36 Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16 Diapason 32 16 Bourdon 32 16 Violine Gt 16 Lieblich Gedackt (ext) Ch 12 8 Principal 32 8 Violine Gt 8 Gedackt 32 4 Choral Bass 32 4 Flute III Pedal Mixture 96 16 Bombarde 32 16 Fagotto (Sw) 8 Trompette (Ch) |