Builder: Wicks Organ Co., Op. 4668, 1966. Manuals: 2 Ranks: 26 Action: Direct Electric Notes: Ryan Hulshizer (2014) and Organ Historical Society as of 2020. Will be enlarged by Wicks. GREAT ORGAN 16’ Quintaton 8’ Principal 8’ Gedeckt 8’ Gemshorn (Sw) 4’ Octave 4’ Koppelflöte 2’ Principal III Mixtur 8’ Trompette Great to Great 4’ Swell to Great (16'/8'/4') SWELL ORGAN 8’ Rohrflöte 8’ Gemshorn 8’ Viola da Gamba 8’ Gamba Celeste 4’ Hohl Flöte 2’ Holz Principal 1.1/3’ Klein Nasat Scharf III 2.2/3' & 1.3/5' Sesquialtera II 8’ Fagot 8’ Rohr Schalmei Tremulant Swell to Swell (16’/Unison Silent/4’) PEDAL ORGAN 16’ Bourdon 16’ Rohr Flöte 8’ Principal 8’ Quintadena (Gt) 4’ Gedeckt (Gt) 16’ Posaune 4’ Clarion Great/Pedal Swell/Pedal FINGER PISTONS Gt: 0, 1-3 Sw: 0, 1-3 Ped: 0, 1-3 Tutti (reversible) Gen Cancel TOE STUDS Gt/Ped (reversible) BALANCED SHOES Swell Expression Crescendo |