Builder: Casavant Frères Ltée., Op. 3849, 2005. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 24 Pipes: 1332 Stops: 46 Action: Electro-pneumatic/Pitman chests Notes: Jeff Scofield and Organ Historical Society as of 2012. GREAT ORGAN (*=enclosed in Swell) 16' Bourdon 12 8' Principal 61 *8' Chimney Flute 61 (1-12/stopped wood) *8' Harmonic Flute (1-24 Chim Flute/25-up Sw Octavin) 4' Octave 61 *4' Spindle Flute 12 (Sw from Major Flute) 2 2/3' Quinte (TC/from Pos Quinte) 2' Fifteenth 12 (from Pos Principal) *2' Flute 12 (Spindle Flute) *II Cornet (A10 to E53/Sw Nazard and Tierce) Mixture II-IV 158 *8' Trumpet (Sw) 8' Festival Trumpet 49 (1-12 from Sw Trumpet/hooded) SWELL ORGAN 8' Major Flute (TC) 49 (1-12 from Gt Chimney Flute) 8' Viole de gambe 61 8' Voix céleste (TC) 49 4' Geigen Octave 61 4' Harmonic Flute (1-12 Gt Chim Flute/13-up Sw Octavin) 2.2/3' Nazard 44 (A10 to E53) 2' Octavin 61 1.3/5' Tierce 44 (A10 to E53) 1' Harmonic Piccolo (from Octavin) 16' Bassoon (from Ped 16' Bassoon and Sw Oboe) 8' Trumpet 61 8' Oboe 61 4' Clarion 12 Tremulant (affects all Swell and enclosed Great stops) POSITIV ORGAN 8' Bourdon 61 (1-12/wood) 8' Viole de gambe (Sw) 4' Principal 61 4' Flute Douce (prepared) 2' Octave (prepared) 1.1/3' Quinte 56 Mixture II-IV (prepared) 8' Douçaine 61 Tremulant 8' Festival Trumpet (Gt) PEDAL 32' Resultant (Subbass derived) 16' Subbass 12 (Pos) 16' Bourdon (Gt) (Gt Bourdon and Chimney Flute) 8' Principal 32 8' Chimney Flute (Gt) 4' Octave 32 4' Chimney Flute (Gt) 2' Major Flute (Sw) Mixture II 64 16' Trombone (prepared) 16' Bassoon 12 (Sw half-length/with caps and scrolls) 8' Trumpet (Gt) 4' Festival Trumpet (Gt) 4' Clarion (Sw) 4' Oboe (Sw) |
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